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3 Fall Maintenance Tips for Every Homeowner in Greenbrier, TN

cozy woman after HVAC maintenance

To prepare for the winter in Greenbrier, TN, you should complete a few fall maintenance tasks to keep your system in good condition. Read on to learn more about maintaining an energy-efficient heating system before scheduling your heating maintenance visit.

1. Keep the System Clean

First, it’s good to understand the importance of clean filters and blowers. The dirt and debris that manage to pass through the first component will cover the second, making it harder for that component to circulate air through your home. This will give rise to lukewarm heating and abnormally high energy bills.

In fact, many furnaces break down because owners did not replace their filters on a regular basis. While you may clean the outside of the system easily enough, you should leave the cleaning of the interior components to a professional.

2. Check for Gas Leaks

Another tip is to watch out for the smell of sulfur or rotten eggs. Although this could point to an electrical issue, it more than likely signifies a gas leak in the heat exchanger. You should call an HVAC technician immediately to fix the issue. You should also schedule a maintenance visit so that a technician can inspect your system.

3. Calibrate the Thermostat

Perhaps you have a smart thermostat that you can remotely control for maximum comfort and energy savings. Or maybe you have a traditional thermostat. Whatever type you have, your thermostat needs to be calibrated. If your thermostat isn’t calibrated, it will misread the indoor temperature.

Call Derryberry’s Heat & Air for all your heating maintenance needs. We’ve been providing heating and air conditioning maintenance and other essential services in Gallatin since 1986. We’ll be happy to schedule a convenient consultation with one of our NATE-certified technicians. We strive to provide the best customer service for homeowners and business owners.

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