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5 Great Reasons to Invest in IAQ in Hendersonville, TN

Woman enjoying quality IAQ

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important factor in your home’s comfort and safety. Consider these five good reasons to invest in improving IAQ in your Hendersonville, TN home.

1. Improved Breathing

Poor air quality makes it more difficult to breathe, so you take shallower breaths. Reduced airflow into your body increases physical stress and makes you more susceptible to a wide range of ailments.

2. Better Sleep

Sleep is more than a break from the day, as it gives your body the chance to repair itself and re-energize. If you can’t breathe well, you won’t benefit from the restorative states of sleep. Improving your indoor air quality improves your sleep environment, allowing you to wake up more refreshed.

3. Fewer Allergens

Allergens are a major concern for anyone suffering from seasonal allergies or asthma. Improving your air quality reduces the problems you’ll experience in your home, making your air healthier.

4. Better Comfort

One of the first aspects of managing air quality is maintaining proper humidity in your home. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends keeping your home’s relative humidity between 30% and 50%. This not only reduces contaminants in the air but also makes your home more comfortable throughout the year.

5. Reduced Heating and Cooling Costs

Investing in your home’s air quality helps reduce your costs for heating and cooling. First, it helps improve your HVAC system’s efficiency, reducing energy consumption. Second, it reduces the wear on your system, extending the time between heating or AC repairs and reducing their severity.

Air quality affects several different aspects of your home, from your health to how your HVAC system runs. Finding the right solutions for your home is difficult without knowing what’s affecting your current air quality. Call to schedule an indoor air quality consultation with one of the IAQ experts at Derryberry’s Heat & Air.

Image provided by iStock

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