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Is Your HVAC System Causing Poor Sleep Quality in Lebanon, TN?

Air Purifier In Bedroom

Getting a good night of sleep is crucial to be ready for your next day in Lebanon, TN. Whether its family, work, or play, you need all the energy you can get, but your home’s HVAC system might be making that hard. You might suffer poor sleep quality due to humidity, temperature, noise, and indoor air quality.


Your home’s air conditioning primarily removes heat by getting rid of moisture that is holding it. Not getting rid of enough can leave your home damp and muggy. However, if your indoor air is too arid your throat can feel dry and your skin itchy.


Many families sleep better when their bedrooms are a bit cooler at night, but inconsistent temperatures might make you wake up during the night. Fluctuations might also let you sleep but not as deeply as you want or need. The result is waking up with the right quantity of hours of sleep but not the right quality.


Loud noises will wake up nearly anyone over the course of the night. Light sleepers, in particular, are going to be the most vulnerable to this, and a noisy HVAC system will accomplish this. HVAC noises also usually indicate that repairs or maintenance are necessary sooner rather than later.

Indoor Air Quality

Inferior indoor air quality can seriously irritate a person’s respiratory system. That alone is enough to cause sleep trouble, but it can also mean risking illness or health problems later on.

Keeping your home’s HVAC system working properly won’t just help you sleep better in a physical sense. You’ll also have the peace of mind that makes it easier to rest your mind at night. Turn to our team of professionals at Derryberry’s Heat & Air to restore or maintain the indoor air quality of your home.

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